Drill Pac Foundations Canada Inc.

3120 Frechette Street, St-Jean Baptiste de Rouville | J0L2B0 Quebec, Canada
Tel  +1 450 464 9152 | Fax +1 450 464 9154


DRILL PAC FOUNDATIONS CANADA Inc. / Les Fondations Drill Pac Canada Inc. (previously named Pacchiosi North America Inc.) is the Canadian subsidiary of the international company Drill Pac S.r.l. of Roma, Italy. The Drill Pac family of companies operates on a worldwide basis with its principal focus on Jet Grouting.

In 1984, was the first company to perform Jet Grouting in Canada for the extension of the Ville-Marie highway in Montreal. This was followed by three contracts from 1985 to 1988 for the Jet Grouting stabilization of glacial soils, as part of the construction of the new Southwest Collector Tunnel in Montreal.

In 1987-1988, performed for British Columbia Hydro the seismic rehabilitation of the John Hart Dam Hydroelectric Complex, in Campbell River, installing a triple-row of overlapping Jet Grout columns directly below and each side of the intake structure kept operational throughout the rehabilitation work.

In 1995-1996, completed, for Hydro-Quebec, the installation of the deep Jet Grout cutoff for the upstream cofferdam of the Sainte-Marguerite 3 (SM-3) Hydroelectric Complex, in Sept-Iles, Quebec. Jet Grouting for this project was performed to a maximum depth of 65.2 m, through alluvial soils with cobbles and boulders. A total of 262 triple-fluid columns, with diameter varying between 1.8 m and 2.5 m, and representing 6,130 linear meters of Jet Grouting, were installed for this project.

In 2001-2002, was responsible for the construction of the deep Jet Grout cutoff walls of Dike A154 of the Diavik Diamond Mine in the Northwest Territories of Canada. Over 2,000 triple-fluid Jet Grout columns were installed on this project by Pacchiosi to depths of up to 38 m through fluvio-glacial and till formations containing cobbles and boulders.

In 2013-2016, completed the Jet Grouting improvement of over 37,000 m3 of dense glacial soils for the construction of the Eglinton Crosstown Line in Toronto, making this project the largest application of the Jet Grouting method to date in Canada. Jet Grouting was performed at 13 station headwalls and 2 tunnel cross-passages on this project. The various Jet Grout blocks installed on the project by Pacchiosi North America were used as safe heaven by the tunnel contractor during the periodical inspections and tool replacements for the TBM cutter heads.

Additional details about the above-described Jet Grouting projects or other projects completed by the Drill Pac companies can be found in the company website.

Ongoing projects.

In May 2024, Drill Pac Foundations Canada, was awarded the Jet grout improvement of OL North Civil Contract 1 - Pape Segment SOE, in Toronto. The project involves ground improvement by Jet Grouting at the TBM break-in and break-out zones with shaft and on each side of the existing subway tunnel located above the future subway line. Jet grouting will be performed below multiple underground street utilities. Approximately 22,750 m3 of very dense glacial soils will be stabilized by Jet Grouting to depths up to 38 m, to be performed in about 14-18 months of production activity.

In July 2024, Drill Pac Foundations Canada, was awarded the Jet grout improvement subcontract for The Lower Don Enabling Works Package 3 contract, in Toronto. The project involves the installation of Jet grout bottom plug for the new tunnel approach structure. The Jet Grouting is installed around and below existing tracks using inclined drilling, with the production performed outside train traffic hours. Approximately 14,350 m3 of loose to compact alluvial soils and fill with debris will be stabilized by Jet Grouting to depths up to 18 m, to be performed in about 10 months of production activity.